Sharp Index Awards Leaders: Jonathan DePierro, PhD

New Interview: Dr. Jonathan DePierro, a distinguished figure in mental health innovation, is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Associate Director at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. His extensive experience in disaster psychiatry and traumatic stress, particularly with 9/11 first responders, empowered him to establish a pioneering center in April 2020 to bolster the resilience and behavioral health of over 45,000 health system employees during the initial surge of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City. This center, under his leadership, has delivered more than 400 resilience and mental health workshops and provided nearly 15,000 behavioral health visits, greatly benefiting healthcare workers and their dependents. Additionally, Dr. DePierro is an accomplished author, having co-authored the third edition of Resilience: The Science of Mastering Life's Greatest Challenges, which synthesizes lessons from the pandemic and offers strategies based on neuroscience. His innovative work has not only garnered national attention but has also been crucial in adapting the center’s services to meet evolving needs, such as addressing workplace violence and healthcare worker suicide.

Jonathan DePierro won the Sharp Index Award for innovation in 2024. He was given this award at the 2024 June HealthIMPACT event and recognized by Komal Bajaj, MD and Chris Hemphill. His work includes multiple disciplines and is critical for public health. His book is featured in the 2024 October mental health book club.

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